Workshops / Events
Centrecare runs workshops or groups throughout the Perth metropolitan and rural areas and most are FREE. Check here regularly to see what is happening in your area.
When Gambling Becomes a Problem
Metro - Tuesday, April 295:30pm - 7:30pm
Workshops for people who want to explore their gambling behaviour.
Centrecare is offering a workshop of six (6) weeks duration for clients over the age of 18 years with an interest in addressing their problematic gambling behaviour.
The group is run by an experienced counsellor specialising in people with problematic gambling. Family member or partner welcome.
Topics to be covered in the workshops include, but are not limited to:
- Understanding reasons for problem gambling
- Understanding functions of problem gambling
- Understanding impacts of problem gambling
- Exploring motivation to change
- Developing strategies to control problem gambling
- Exploring thought processes
- Reconnecting with our best selves
- Re-evaluation of our lifestyle
- Taking responsibility for gambling behaviour
- Maintaining changes made
- Relapse prevention
Please note:
All participants must attend at least one individual assessment session at Centrecare prior to commencing the group. (This assessment will determine suitability for the group.)
For further information or to register your interest for the group, please call Centrecare on 9325 6644.
Click the image below to download the flyer.

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Circle of Security May - Jun 2025 - Online
Metro - Wednesday, May 75:00pm - 7:00pm
Circle of Security (COS) is an early intervention parenting program delivered over eight two (8x2) hour sessions to assist you to become more aware of and responsive to your children's emotional needs.
Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you!
The COS Program is based on decades of research about how secure adult to child relationships can be supported and strengthened when they:
• Understand a child's world by learning to read the emotional cues and needs.
• Support a child's ability to successfully manage emotions.
• Enhance the development of a child's self-esteem, resilience, and their ability to thrive.
This program will be delivered online.
Click the image below to download the flyer.

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Tuning in to Teens - May - Jun 2025 - Midland
Metro - Tuesday, May 139:30am - 11:30am
Do you want to get to know and understand your teen better?
Tuning in to Teens will show you how to develop your emotional connection between you and your children.
Specifically focusing on the developmental needs of teenagers, integrating a greater focus on acceptance/empathy, and helping parents and carers to manage their own
responses when adolescents reject or push them away as the young person seeks greater autonomy.
The aim of this workshop is for adults to:
- Understand and manage their teen’s emotions while supporting healthy communication and emotional intelligence.
- Become aware of emotions to support social skills and conflict.
- Understand adolescent brain development and normalising behaviours.
- Develop acceptance of all emotions, not necessarily behaviours.
- Understand the importance of self-care and mindfulness.
Registration Essential.
Click the image below to download the flyer.

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