Gambling Help WA
(This service is fully funded and there is no cost to clients)

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when gambling becomes a problem.
A Centrecare service for people affected by problem gambling, their partners and families.
To download the Gambling Help WA brochure (4667F), click here.
For many people gambling is a form of recreation. However, for some, the time and money spent on gambling can affect many aspects of their life including relationships with family and friends. Talking to someone
who can provide support and assistance can be an important step in regaining a sense of control over your decisions in relation to gambling.

Do you:
- think you might have a gambling problem;
- argue with family over money and your gambling;
- feel depressed, anxious, guilty or stressed as a result of your gambling;
- find it difficult or impossible to stop gambling;
- find your gambling is affecting your close relationships, finances, work or educational performance;
- hide your gambling from people close to you;
- need to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of excitement;
- borrow money or sell something to gamble;
- regularly gamble beyond what you can afford; and/or
- re-invest your winnings and chase your losses?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, then this service may be of help to you.
Centrecare’s Gambling Help WA is a free service for people affected by problem gambling, their partners and families. It offers a supportive environment to talk about the impact that gambling has on their lives as well as the opportunity to learn new ways to manage the behaviour.
Individual and couples counselling
Regular counselling sessions are offered to individuals, their partners or family members to discuss their concerns
about the gambling behaviour.
People wishing to gain skills and confidence to control gambling behaviour in a supportive group environment may access this program. The group program is run over 10 weeks and provides participants with the opportunity for personal development, insight and learning through structured exercises. Click here to see if any Gambling Help groups are currently running.
Making Contact
Talking to someone is easier than you think.
To make an appointment in the Southwest please call the Bunbury office on (08) 9721 5177.
To make an appointment in the Perth metropolitan or other regional areas, telephone (08) 9325 6644 and ask to speak to the Client Liaison Officer. Day and evening appointments are available.
For 24 hour telephone support, please contact the Problem Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858. This is a free call and will not be listed on your telephone account.
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