Family Dispute Resolution
When you're separating and need family dispute resolution

A Centrecare service for families experiencing separation and divorce.
To download the Family Dispute Resolution brochure (4193An), click here.
Separation can be a difficult time for families, particularly for children who are often confused about changes in their lives. Centrecare Family Dispute Resolution focuses on children. They also assist couples and families communicate effectively and reach agreements in relation to the needs of children and/or resolve property matters.
Where appropriate, children are invited to meet with Centrecare’s Child Consultant who will listen to the children’s feelings and views. The Child Consultant will provide feedback to parents on a separate occasion with the assistance of a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Children’s feedback helps parents and carers to develop parenting plans that are in their child’s best interests. Extended family members, including step parents and grandparents, may also access Family Dispute Resolution.
Benefits of Family Dispute Resolution:
- Children are the primary focus.
- Less costly and stressful than going to court.
- Having control over decisions affecting you and your family.
- Resolving differences so you can get on with your life.
- Finding solutions you can live with.
- Having your point of view heard.
- Being in a confidential, safe and neutral place in which to discuss parenting and financial issues.
- Reaching agreements respectfully.
The Family Law requires parents to attempt to resolve issues related to their children through Family Dispute Resolution (or a similar service) before being able to initiate proceedings in the Family Court. Exceptions could apply to this rule such as family violence or urgent matters.
Making contact
To make an appointment telephone one of our central referral numbers below. You will be offered an individual appointment to meet with a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. They will assist you by providing information about the process and assess your individual needs.
Mirrabooka (08) 9440 0400
Goldfields (08) 9080 0333
Joondalup (08) 9300 7300