Connections Count - Residential Aged Care Facility Mental Health Support
What is Connections Count?
Connections Count is a WAPHA funded program that provides support to people resident in Resident Aged Care Facilities across the Goldfield region who may have mild to moderate mental health support needs. The service provides in-reach psychological therapy targeted at residents with a diagnosis of mental illness or assessed to be at risk of mental illness. Clients referred to the service will typically be having challenges in adjusting to the transition to residential aged care, be affected by unresolved grief and loss, or be affected by depression and anxiety.
Face to face individual sessions or group sessions will be delivered on-site using Low Intensity Psychological Interventions or other psychological therapies.
Provisional referrals can be received from residents or health and mental health professionals (e.g., psychiatrists, geriatricians, registered Nurses, facility manager, physiotherapists, social workers etc). However, general practitioners (GPs) must be aware of and support referrals.
How to contact?
Contact Centrecare Kalgoorlie on tel: 9080 0333