We're a Semi Finalist!

We are excited to announce that Centrecare Goldfields program "Families First" (FF) is a semi-finalist in the Australia Charitable Foundation Mental Health and Wellbeing Award, which forms part of the Community Achievement Awards for Regional Western Australia.
The Families First program, funded by the Dept of Social Services, is an early intervention for Mental Health that supports families. Primarily based in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Families First also services Leonora, Laverton, Kambalda, Norseman, and Coolgardie clients on a regular basis.
The program supports families where a family member has a mental health illness or where children may have witnessed family violence or substance misuse and, as a result may be at risk of developing mental health illness.
Centrecare congratulates everybody involved in providing the service on this achievement.
Pictured L-R: James (Team Leader), Megan (FF coordinator), Faith (Program Manager), Faith (Case worker) and Sukhdeep (Case worker)