Perth aid worker describes life on assignment in Afghanistan for the Red Cross

4 July 2014

By Emma Wynne for 720 ABC Perth

Dorsa Nazemi-Salman tells her story to Emma Wynne of the past 13 months she has spent working in Afganistan with the Red Cross. Following a short break in Perth to see family and friends Dorsa will be continuing her work with a posting in Nigeria.

"Home in Perth after 13 months working for the Red Cross in Afghanistan, Dorsa Nazemi-Salman describes life as a protection delegate in one of the most dangerous countries in the world.

Working as a protection delegate in Herat, a city in the western part of the country, Ms Nazemi-Salman was overseeing the rights of some of the most vulnerable in the country."

Please follow this link to the article: Perth aid worker describes life on assignment in Afghanistan for the Red Cross