Immigration Department confirms it is being investigated by sex abuse royal commission

26 May 2015

Sarah Whyte for The Sydney Morning Herald

"Mike Pezzullo secretary of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection at Senate estimates on Monday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The head of the Immigration Department has confirmed the royal commission into child sex abuse is investigating the department over children being abused in Australian immigration detention centres.

The commission will also demand "Notices to Produce" documents from the department over alleged abuse of children in immigration facilities, Secretary Michael Pezzullo told a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Monday.

"The commission has kindly informed us that they are in the early contemplative stages, and indeed drafting what they call as a notice to produce documents, which they have indicated to us will be sending to us shortly," Mr Pezzullo said in response to questions from Labor senator Kim Carr."

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