Centrecare successful in obtaining new Homeless Assessment and Referral Service

20 November 2013

Centrecare Inc is pleased to announce it is the successful respondent to the Tender for the Homeless Assessment and Referral Service (Metropolitan Area) - HAaRS.

Helen Miskell, Manager Non Government Funding – Homelessness, from the The Department for Child Protection and Family Support wrote "The Homeless Assessment and Referral Service (HAaRS) (Metropolitan Area) is being established to respond to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, who would otherwise not be in contact with the Department for Child Protection and Family Support.

The service will focus on the needs of people using the service to access a range of accommodation and/or support services in the community. It will coordinate the responses required by people accessing the service through either providing information and advice and/or undertaking initial assessment including a risk assessment for family and domestic violence and where applicable, make a referral to appropriate accommodation and/or support services.

Centrecare is currently working closely with the Department in the establishment of HAaRS."