"There’s now more than 150 organisations with Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) signed up to the statement of support. This is more than double the number we published in July.

Today Reconciliation Australia relaunches the RAP Partner statement of support for a Voice to Parliament and a “Yes” vote in the Referendum.
There’s now more than 150 organisations with Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) signed up to the statement. This is more than double the number we published in July.
These organisations come from a diverse range of sectors and work in every state and territory. The RAP network is 2700 organisations strong, and impacts 4 million Australians each day.
Recognition and voice have been at the heart of the reconciliation movement for decades.
Reconciliation is founded on respectful relationships.
We urge all Australians to engage thoughtfully and respectfully as they educate themselves and others about this important opportunity.
Read the RAP Partner statement of support for a Voice to Parliament and a “Yes” vote in the Referendum. (link below)