Centrecare’s Executive Manager of Accommodation Services – Leanne Strommen is very excited to advise that the Assisted Rental Pathways Pilot service, run from our Centrecare Gosnells was a joint winner of the 2017 AHI WA Professional Excellence in Housing Awards in the category of Leading Innovation. Centrecare is one of four community organisations providing this pilot along with Multicultural Services of WA, Outcare and the Salvation Army.
Natalia Gemmell, Manager Housing Policy | Market Innovation and Partnerships | Strategy & Policy, Housing, from the Department of Communities wrote “The Assisted Rental Pathways Pilot (Pilot) is an initiative of the Housing Authority’s (Housing’s) Social Housing Investment Package (SHIP). Under SHIP, Housing committed to delivering 1000 social housing dwellings, and in conjunction with other initiatives, halving the number of seniors and families on the priority waitlist by 30 June 2017. To date, more than 200 social housing applicants and tenants (556 adults and children in total) have been diverted from public housing into subsidised rental housing, almost half of whom are single parents.”
Congratulations to Leanne, staff and all parties involved in this project.