Youth and Family Support Services
Centrecare Services relating to youth and family in the Perth metropolitan area.
- Bridge to Belonging - Assisting humanitarian entrants and migrants to build their capacity to navigate life in Australia.
- Centrecare Youth Support Service (CYSS) - A Centrecare service for young people aged 12-18yrs and their families living in the Joondalup region of Perth.
- Child and Parent Centre Gosnells and East Maddington - A vibrant, happy hub for families with children 0 to 8 years offering parenting workshops, child and maternal health services, playgroups, early learning programs, counselling and family support.
- Counselling for Adolescent and Parents Service (CAPS) - a Centrecare service for adolescents aged 12 to 18 and their parents/caregivers.
- South West Support Network - An early intervention strategy supporting families to overcome identified challenges, building both home-based, and community supports as well as strengthening family and developing resilience against life stressors.
- Stronger Together - This service provides intensive, in-home support to families who are most at risk of child protection intervention or families who require support to reunify children back to their care, living in the Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Midland, Perth, Armadale, Cannington and Southwest District boundaries of the Department of Communities – Child Protection and Family Support.