Men's Domestic Violence Helpline/Groups (Choosing Respect)

when your actions are hurting your family.
Men's Helpline - 1800 000 599 / 9223 1199 - This service offers counselling, crisis response and referrals to the Centrecare service below.
A Centrecare service for men who are concerned about the affects of their behaviour on the people they love, work and spend time with.
To download the Men's Domestic Violence brochure (4473Cn), click here.
Many men are able to identify their behaviour is harming their relationships and pushing those closest to them further away. Despite the fact the values they hold most important in a relationship - often including trust, respect, love, care, honesty, openness and equality are somehow replaced by anger, aggression and abuse. The consequences of doing nothing to address these behaviours are significant and isolating. The courage to address these abusive behaviours can be the first step in relating to those around you in a respectful and fair way which also enhances your relationships.
Would your wife or partner say you:
- Shout and swear;
- Put them down, call them names, use sarcasm;
- Use threats, intimidation or coercion;
- Hit, slap or physically restrain them;
- Blame, justify or minimise;
- your angry outbursts,
- your aggressive manner/actions;
- the way you are feeling;
- Impact on their ability to connect with family and friends due to your behaviour;
- Check up on them;
- Control the money;
- Treat them like a servant;
- Expect sex whether they want it or not;
- Are over-protective or possessive;
- Communicate via your children?
If you answer "yes" to any of the above questions, then this service may be of help to you.
Centrecare provides a range of individual counselling and group programs, specifically designed for men who are engaging in abusive behaviours but have chosen to explore more respectful ways of relating. Services are also available for partners and children. Abuse in a relationship, also called family and domestic violence, refers to any action, verbal and/or non-verbal, that instills fear in the other person and can be displayed physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually, financially, spiritually and culturally.
Centrecare counselling and group programs for men provide a unique and safe opportunity for men to address their concerns in a respectful and non-judgmental environment. It also seeks to support men in their ability to build healthy relationships for the future and be accountable for the past.
Centrecare counselling and group programs aim to address issues that include:
- The importance of accepting that you are responsible for your own actions.
- The effect your actions have on your family.
- Developing empathy.
- The difference between assertiveness and aggression.
- The importance of understanding and expressing your own emotions responsibly.
- Communicating effectively and respectfully.
- Separation and/or grief.
Men who have used this service comment on how their lives have been enhanced and their relationships are healthier for the positive changes.
Making Contact
For more information or to make an appointment please contact Centrecare on one of the telephone numbers below. Day and evening appointments are available in most offices.
Perth (08) 9325 6644
Esperance (08) 9083 2600
Joondalup (08) 9300 7300
Kalgoorlie (08) 9080 0333
Mirrabooka (08) 9440 0400