Sky Service

When you want to support your family to overcome homelessness.
A Centrecare service for parents/caregivers and young people aged four to 14, currently in Family Supported Accommodation Services.
To download the Sky brochure (4193C), click here.
Do you:
- feel overwhelmed with your child/ren’s behaviour and actions;
- wish you could understand your children better;
- find it difficult to maintain a home;
- always moving house and worried about the impact on your children;
- get concerned about your children skipping school;
- always change schools because of your housing difficulties;
- have problems with your child/ren such as eating and sleeping problems, handling temper tantrums,schooling problems, getting along with others;
- think that your child/ren is/are unhappy about something in their life; and/or
- feel like talking to someone about it and want to get support for your child/ren?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, then this service may be of help to you.
Centrecare’s Sky Service is a confidential counselling and support service for four to 14 year olds and their families who are currently being supported through Family Supported Accommodation Services such as Anglicare WA, Mission Australia, Coolabaroo, Fremantle Migrant Service and Centrecare or are participating in a Tenant Support Program such as Ruah Community Services or a Public Tenancy Support Service. Participants must also live in the southern or eastern suburbs covering areas from Victoria Park, Armadale and Fremantle to Rockingham. The Centrecare Sky Service encourages children and their families to reach their full potential and helps them feel confident, happy and safe. Centrecare staff will work with you and your family to help you get support and help.
The service provides:
- one-on-one counselling for children;
- support with schooling and education;
- family counselling;
- parenting support;
- linking families into community support services;
- school holiday programs -including arts and craft based activities and some outings such as going to the movies. (We cover all costs, transport and snacks); and
- occasional after school recreational activities
Please complete the Sky Service Referral Form attached to our brochure (link below) and fax to the Centrecare Gosnells office.

The Sky Service is provided by Centrecare and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities.