Centrecare Family Accommodation Service (CFAS)
When you and your family are at risk of homelessness or are homeless.

A Centrecare service for families who require support to maintain and/or access medium-term, non-emergency, supported accommodation.
To download the Centrecare Family Accommodation Service brochure (4309Cn), click here.
This service provides safe accommodation and support for families who are homeless or about to become homeless.
Are you:
- a parent or adult with children in your care;
- at risk of homelessness and seeking support to maintain your home;
- facing eviction and at risk of losing your home;
- looking for accommodation other than emergency or short-term housing;
- staying with family/friends or wherever you can;
- having difficulty finding a home because of previous tenancy problems;
- struggling with your tenancy responsibilities;
- unable to access or afford private rental accommodation; and/or
- eligible to be on the Department of Housing waiting lists?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, then this service may be of help to you.
Centrecare’s Family Accommodation Service provides support and medium-term housing if you are homeless (up to 12 months) and can also support you to overcome the difficulties you may currently be experiencing in keeping a home. We will work with you, your family and extended family to develop a support plan that works for you. Ongoing support and access to accommodation however, will be conditional on meeting the terms of the support plan and/or tenancy agreement.
If accepted into this service you could receive:
- support to maintain an existing tenancy;
- access to supported accommodation with a tenancy agreement if homeless;
- assistance in dealing with issues as identified in your support plan and your tenancy agreement;
- home visits every week, or more often if required, to assist with your support plan;
- counselling for yourself and other family members;
- assistance with budgeting; and
- referral to or help with accessing other agencies where required.
Making Contact
For more information telephone Centrecare on the telephone number below and ask to speak to the Client Liaison Officer (CLO) who will take your details. A Centrecare Housing Support Worker will contact you to assess if your circumstances meet the selection criteria and arrange for an interview.
Perth (08) 9325 6644