Access Wellbeing Services

Access Wellbeing Services

Access Wellbeing Services (AWS)
AWS is a social enterprise division of Centrecare, a respected not-for-profit charity with decades of experience providing mental health and social service support to the West Australian community. AWS specialises in providing comprehensive psychological services and training to support individuals and organisations.

About Us
AWS is a provider of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services and psychological wellness training services to businesses large and small, government agencies and others in the non-profit sector.

Book a Session

If your employer is already a member of AWS and you would like to talk to a counsellor, book a session with us here.

Book Session

AWS Services Offered

Partner with AWS

If you are interested in setting up an EAP Program in your organisation, find out more.

EAP Enquiry

Learn more about AWS

To find out more about Access Wellbeing Services our website provides more detailed information, or you can call us on 1300 66 77 00.

Commitment to Service Standards

As a proud member of the Employee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia (EAPAA), AWS is committed to providing the highest quality EAP services. The EAPAA is a National Professional Association with International Affiliation, dedicated to upholding the highest professional and ethical standards in the provision of EAP services. Our affiliation with EAPAA reflects our dedication to excellence and our ongoing commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our clients with integrity and professionalism.

AWS is here to support you and your organisation in promoting mental health, resolving workplace challenges, and ensuring overall well-being.